Below are the 2024 exam results:
Headline Figures
74% of pupils achieved 9-4 (‘standard pass’) in both English and maths
56% of pupils achieved 9-5 (‘strong pass’) in both English and Maths
76% of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths
61% of pupils achieved 9-5 in Maths
82% of pupils achieved 9-4 in English
70% of pupils achieved 9-5 in English
Progress 8 score: +0.54 (Well above national average)
Attainment 8 score: 50.1
35% of cohort entered
Average points score 4.5
Pupil Destinations
95% of pupils stayed in education or employment after Key Stage 4. (National figure: 93%)
To compare our school performance with that of other schools, please visit the following government website: